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Our Story

Eric & I met in the fall of 2018 via We both received prophetic words that year regarding meeting one another and how the lord was preparing both of us for marriage. Prior to talking to one another online, the lord had both prompted us to do a pray for your future spouse challenge by Jamal & Natasha Miller. Within one week of doing that challenge Eric and I both ended up matching on and we have been inseparable ever since.


Although our love was destined and ordained by God, it did not come without its own set of challenges and hardships. One being Eric's Diagnosis with Autism, which affected our ability to communicate with one another. On top of that we grew up with very different upbringings. I myself grew up abused and did not have an healthy example of what a good marriage looked like. While Eric on the other hand did. Since I did not know what truly unconditional love looked like, I would often times in turn around get angry and abuse my husband. 


But thank God for Marriage Therapy & Deliverance! Now Eric and I are able to help thousands of other married couples around the world who were just like us to become healed, restored, & saved from the brink of divorce! As well as learn how to develop a happy, healthy, & successful marriage through Christian principles.


The Lord Said, "It's Time For Marriages To Be Healed, Saved, & Restored."

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